Research Experience
Having a solid understanding of the research process allows for an informed interpretation of hypotheses, results and translation to practice.
To be an effective health care practitioner you must understand how treatments, drugs and therapies move from discovery and development to the bedside. You should also be able to read scientific journals critically. The best way to truly understand research is to live the practice for a time. Even if you don’t plan to engage in research as a practitioner, having some research experience, in any field of study, will be of value in your career.
Examples may include volunteering in academic labs, co-curricular opportunities (E.g., Directed Study, Capstone, etc.), undergraduate research awards/fellowships, and/or paid employment (E.g., Co-op, internship, etc.). When assisting with research make sure that you aren’t blindly gathering data or performing experiments. Rather, make an effort to understand the process and outcomes of the work. Think critically about the hypothesis being tested and the results gathered.
For MD and DO applicants, programs will expect you to have some research experience in college. Though not required for dental, optometry, PA, podiatry or veterinary school, research experience makes your application stand out among the applicant pool.
Review the resources below to help you explore your research interests and identify relevant opportunities. If you are seeking options outside of Northeastern University, please visit our Opportunities & Programs webpage.