2026 Application Workshops | Work & Activities

Nov 20 • 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Planning to apply in 2025 to begin your health professional program in 2026?

Crafting a compelling Work & Activities section for your health professional school application is essential to effectively highlight your experiences and qualifications. This virtual workshop will guide you through navigating the Work & Activities section of your application and provide you with a thorough understanding of what’s important to share with health professional programs.

Individuals participating in the Application Readiness Program must include a draft of their Work & Activities section in their Self-Assessment Mock Application. This requirement ensures that you are well-prepared to complete your health professional school applications. This workshop will provide valuable insights into the expectations for thoughtfully completing this crucial section of your Self-Assessment.

*If you are unable to attend this webinar, a recording of the Workshop will be posted on the Application Workshops web page in the days following the session. 


Nov 20, 2024 | 12:00 PM