The Key to Online Learning: Staying Organized!

Experiencing school this semester as a Husky is unlike any other: we are adopting the NUFlex Hybrid model and adapting every single day. You might find yourself wondering, how can we manage when so much change is underway? At the end of our first month back at school, we have some tips for you to thrive and make the most of this unique experience!

At the center of everything we are about to tell you is this: Stay organized. Let me unpack.


Being organized mentally is extremely important for your effectiveness and well-being.

Knowing that this semester is different might throw you off, but at the center of it all, we are all trying to improve our Intellectual Agility, Professional Effectiveness while maintaining a personal Well-Being. That is not so different from any other semester! Our strategy might differ slightly, but the ultimate goal is the same. Here are some specific tips:

  • Ask questions in class or meet with your professor in office hours. Form some study groups with your peers.
  • Turn your camera on whenever you can. Put away distractions like your phone and close unrelated tabs on your laptop.
  • Get dressed as if you are going into the classroom even if you are taking class in your dorm room. 
  • Designate one space for class and studying, a separate one for relaxing and social activities. 
  • Make sure you give yourself enough time to rest. Virtual class might mean longer hours of work in front of your computer.  
  • Go outside once a day. At least stand up and stretch!
  • Try to wake up a bit before your first class, give yourself the time to be awake and engaged.
  • Find community and support in other people, we are all experiencing this together.


Having an organized space can make more impact than you know. 

Without the opportunity to walk in and out of different classrooms, many of us have a set up at home (in your dorm!) a space to work long hours. Knowing what you need on a daily basis and keeping those things within reach can be super helpful. Having a space that works for you can also give your more motivation to start your day. We collected some pictures from student leaders from the Explore Program to show what has been working for them!

Carter and Priya's Work from Home Setup
Carter and Priya’s Work from Home Setup


Bonnie and Andres' Work from Home Setup
Bonnie and Andres’ Work from Home Setup

In the end, whatever system you choose to stay organized is completely up to you whether that means having a bunch of sticky notes at your desk or having a master notebook where everything goes in. However, finding a system to organize your thoughts and your living space will help you a long way in this virtual learning experience.


Thanks to Carter Lange, Andres Pinedo and Priya Amin for sharing their wonderful workspace at home, and thanks to Priya Amin for her awesome advice!