7 Tips to Deal With Stress

College is stressful. Sometimes you feel overwhelmed and defeated and like everything is going wrong. Unfortunately, this is a normal part of life. However, I have some well-tested tips to help you manage your stress.

  1. Plan Ahead

Whether you like to plan what you’re going to be doing for the next two weeks or for the next two hours, planning is essential for preventing stress. Many students feel overwhelmed by the amount of the work they have (especially when it seems like its all due on the same day). Making a plan on how you’re going to tackle your work can help you find a good place to start and prioritize your work. Even saying that you are going to do your chemistry homework for 20 minutes is step in the right direction.

  1. Take Breaks

Taking 5 minutes to collect yourself and destress is not going to make or break you on an exam. In fact, taking intermittent breaks while working can help you be more productive later. I’m a fan of using the Pomodoro technique. Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. When you go through that cycle 4 times, you reward yourself with 25-minute break. This is a great way to stay focused and build in breaks for you. I use the app called Focus Keeper.

  1. Put Down Your Phone

This tip is a shocker, isn’t it? Using your phone while studying may seem harmless, but one glance at Twitter can lead to an internet spiral. Unplugging for a while can reduce outside stressors and help keep you focused. You can build your phone use into your breaks or just keep it away while working.

  1. Dial Down the Coffee

Coffee has been scientifically proven to increase stress and anxiety. Instead, try tea or water to keep your energy up, without making you anxious. Now, I know what you’re thinking: how do you expect me to pull an all-nighter without coffee? Well, I don’t. Which leads me to my next point…

  1. SLEEP!!!

Sleep is important! College students need 8 hours of sleep on average. Which means you shouldn’t be staying up all night or sleeping the whole day. Some claim they have too much to do before bed, but sleep refreshes you for the day and problems often seem different after you sleep on them.

  1. Talk to Someone

Sometimes, we can’t deal with our stress alone, which is okay. Talk to a friend about it. Or you mum, or brother, or any furry animal that will cuddle with you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Keeping your stress bottled up is a sure way for it to eat at you. There are people who want to help you. You just need to let them.

  1. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is defined as being fully aware of yourself and your surroundings. Mindful meditation can help you relax when your stressed. It has been proven to increase positive thoughts and reduce anxiety. Mindfulness can also help you focus. The app Smiling Mind is free, has gotten great reviews and is all about looking after your mind.