Research Opportunity
Multiple research options on experimental multiphase flow with potential applications to 3D printing and biomedical
Opportunity Description

Multiple research options on experimental multiphase flow are available all year round unless notified otherwise.

We mainly use high speed imaging to study the dynamics when a droplet impacts on a surface. We look at the bouncing, merging behaviors of the droplet and in some cases, reaction of the droplet to form complex structures. We then try to understand the underlying physics mechanism in controlling those dynamics. These understanding will guide the design of 3D printing systems or biomedical applications. We also have other projects on microfluidics.

For more details of the range of projects in the lab, please check out our website:

Undergraduate researchers will work with teams of graduate and undergraduate students to gain hands on experience while learn how to approach scientific problems. Students meet with the advisor weekly to solve problems that came up and make appropriate plans to ensure productive progress.

Workstudy and directed study can be further discussed if interested. Application to research awards are encouraged. Publication in scientific journals and presentation at conferences are encouraged.

View Website

prefer long term (>=1 year)
Multiphase Transport Research Lab

Prerequisites are interest in metal additive manufacturing and 3D printing and willingness and ability to perform hands on experiments, analyze data, and prepare reports.

Minimum GPA: 3.6

  • College of Engineering
  • College of Science
  • Bouvé College of Health Sciences
  • External Opportunity
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Bioengineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Honors Program
  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
  • Physics
  • Pre-Health Program

Please reach out to Prof. Tang at for further discussions.

Interested? Have Questions?

If you meet the eligibility criteria and are interested in a fellowship or opportunity, please fill out a preliminary questionnaire. Contact the office with any questions: