Fellowships & Scholarships
Humanity in Action Fellowships
  • Northeastern: 03/16/2025
  • Fellowship: 03/16/2025

If you meet the eligibility criteria and are interested in applying for this fellowship, please fill out a preliminary questionnaire. You may contact the office with any questions.

Award Details

Award Website

The Humanity in Action Fellowship brings together international groups of current college and university students and recent graduates. Together they explore compelling, current issues of liberal democracy, pluralism, human rights, and social justice within the specific historical and cultural contexts of each of the program sites. Intensive and demanding, the on-site programs are an educational space for transatlantic dialogue, reflection, and informed action. The Action Projects that Fellows implement in the second phase of their Fellowship experience promote democratic values and civic engagement in their own communities.


2025 Fellowship Dates:

Abroad Award
Term Length: 1 Year
US Citizenship Not Required

Applicants to the Humanity in Action Fellowship must be one of the following:

  • currently enrolled undergraduate students from the US or at US-based colleges and universities (sophomores, juniors, and seniors); or
  • recent graduates (for the 2025 Fellowship, we define recent graduates as individuals from the undergraduate or graduate classes of 2023 and 2024. For undergraduates, we define recent graduates as individuals who attended accredited, four-year undergraduate colleges or universities in the United States, having graduated in spring 2023 or later); or
  • currently enrolled, second-year community college students who plan to continue their secondary education; or
  • currently enrolled Masters and PhD students at US-based universities.

The selection process involves two phases.

During the first phase, a panel of Humanity in Action staff, Board members, and Senior Fellows reads all of the applications and selects a pool of finalists for further review by Humanity in Action’s Selection Committee.

During the second phase, the Admissions Committee reads and evaluates all finalist applications and conducts group interviews with the finalists. All finalists will be interviewed by a small panel of the Admissions Committee together with one or two other finalists. The second reference is also contacted at this time. The final selections are made based on this second reading, reference information, and the interview.

Programming during the Humanity in Action Fellowship is fully funded. For in person programs, this includes the cost of accommodation in the host country. However, participants are asked to cover their round-trip travel to the program location as well as some meals and spending money for activities outside of programming. If this is not possible, Humanity in Action may provide either full or partial travel and living stipends for all those with documented need.

All complete applications must include the following:

  • Personal Statement
  • Short Answer Responses
  • Action Project Pitch Video
  • CV / Resume
  • Copy of Unofficial Transcripts
  • One Letter of Recommendation and contact info for one other referenc

Interested? Have Questions?

If you meet the eligibility criteria and are interested in a fellowship or opportunity, please fill out a preliminary questionnaire. Contact the office with any questions: