Fellowships & Scholarships
George J. Mitchell Scholarship

If you meet the eligibility criteria and are interested in applying for this fellowship, please fill out a preliminary questionnaire. You may contact the office with any questions.

Award Details

Award Website

The selection of new classes of Mitchell Scholarship Awardees has been paused by the US-Ireland Alliance.

The George J. Mitchell Scholarships were created in 1998 in honor of the former U.S. Senator and his pivotal role in the Northern Ireland peace process. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide future American leaders with an understanding of the island from which more than 44 million Americans claim descent. Students selected as Scholars are eligible to attend institutions of higher learning, including the seven universities of Ireland and the two universities of Northern Ireland, for one year of graduate study. Most Mitchell Scholars are in one-year masters programs. While there are no restrictions as to field of study, the proposed course of study must be available at the applicant's preferred university.

Abroad Award
Term Length: 1 year
Needs Institutional Endorsement
US Citizenship Required

  • Be a US citizen
  • Be 18 years of age or older but not yet 30 on 1 October in the year in which you are applying
  • Have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university before beginning study as a Mitchell Scholar.
  • While married applicants are accepted, no allowance is made for the expenses of a married applicant’s spouse or dependent. It is important to note that spouses who are non-EU citizens are required to obtain a work permit before seeking paid employment in Ireland or Northern Ireland.
  • Must be nominated by Northeastern University.

Mitchell Scholars must have a record of intellectual distinction, leadership and extra-curricular activity, as well as personal characteristics that indicate a potential for future leadership and significant contributions to society. Previous study or personal experience in Ireland or Northern Ireland is not normally a factor in selection.

These scholarships support one year of graduate study in any discipline offered by an institution of higher learning in Ireland or Northern Ireland. Dollar value: The scholarship is non-renewable and covers tuition, room and board and provides a $12,000 stipend to finance other necessary expenses throughout the term of study. The award is for twelve months and can be used toward a one-year MA program in any discipline.

The application consists of:

No one should submit their application through the Mitchell online application system prior to Northeastern’s internal review. Submit your application for internal review through Northeastern’s internal fellowship application portal. Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships for a Guide to the Distinguished Fellowships Requiring Endorsement: Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell Scholarship as well as Request for Reference forms.

All sections must be completed before the applicant can submit the application. The Mitchell Scholarship program only accepts online applications. No printed copies of the application, including letters of recommendation, will be accepted.

Prospective applicants are strongly urged to begin preparing their applications at least three months in advance of the annual October deadline. Candidates apply directly to the U.S.-Ireland Alliance. However, all applicants must receive the formal endorsement of their undergraduate institutions.


Interested? Have Questions?

If you meet the eligibility criteria and are interested in a fellowship or opportunity, please fill out a preliminary questionnaire. Contact the office with any questions: