Northeastern Alumnus Named on Forbes 30 Under 30 List

What do North­eastern alumnus Austin Gal­lagher, NBA super­star Stephen Curry, and Oscar-​​nominated actress Brie Larson have in common? They have all been named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Class of 2016, a pres­ti­gious list com­prising 600 of the nation’s brightest young entre­pre­neurs, breakout tal­ents, and change agents in 20 dif­ferent sectors.

Gal­lagher, a con­ser­va­tion biol­o­gist and social entre­pre­neur, was selected as one of this year’s top 30 sci­en­tists under 30 years old.

He is the second person from North­eastern to receive the honor in the past two years. Satoru Emori, a post­doc­toral research asso­ciate in the lab­o­ra­tory of elec­trical and com­puter engi­neering asso­ciate pro­fessor Nian Sun, was named to the list in 2015 for devel­oping new ways to con­trol mag­netism with electricity.

Gal­lagher, MS’10, is the founder and pres­i­dent of Beneath the Waves, a non­profit ded­i­cated to con­ducting conservation-​​based research, and the author of more than two dozen studies on the role of preda­tors in marine, aquatic, and ter­res­trial ecosys­tems. His research has been pub­lished in leading jour­nals, Bio­Science and PLoS ONE among them, and his work has attracted cov­erage from a range of media out­lets, including Sci­en­tific Amer­ican and The Huff­in­gton Post. He is a vis­iting sci­en­tist at the Smith­sonian Envi­ron­mental Research Center in Mary­land, an adjunct pro­fessor at the Uni­ver­sity of Miami, and a post-​​doctoral fellow at Car­leton Uni­ver­sity in Ottawa. In short, he is a man of many hats, a global cit­izen with a wide range of expertise.

I’m devel­oping nodes around the world where I can grow my net­work and have an impact that goes beyond the typ­ical one-​​institution format,” he explains, noting that Beneath the Waves is active in 12 coun­tries world­wide. Being hon­ored by Forbes, he adds, rep­re­sents the start of the next chapter of his pro­fes­sional life. As he puts it, “I have a new decade in front of me and a lot of goals, from devel­oping my brand to expanding my research efforts.”

As he got older, his interest in nature only grew. He earned his bachelor’s in biology from the Uni­ver­sity of Loyola Mary­land and then enrolled in Northeastern’s Three Seas master’s pro­gram, an inten­sive 15-​​month journey that allowed him to live, study, and work with world-​​class fac­ulty in three sea­side locations.

While he designed his own exper­i­ments and explored rad­i­cally dif­ferent habi­tats, Gal­lagher the stu­dent trans­formed into Gal­lagher the sci­en­tist. He devel­oped more con­fi­dence, he says, and honed his sci­en­tific writing skills, learning the ins and outs of the craft. He even caught the entre­pre­neur­ship bug, founding Beneath the Waves.

The fac­ulty in the pro­gram pushed me to work hard and showed me that my research could make a dif­fer­ence,” he recalls. “You cover a lot in a short period of time, forcing you to learn quickly.” As part of the pro­gram, Gal­lagher worked as a research assis­tant at the New Eng­land Aquarium, where he focused on tracking the stress levels of sharks. “I got my first taste of research at the aquarium,” he says, “and I never looked back.”

Today Gallagher’s future is bright, full of new chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties. Beneath the Waves is expanding, he says, recently forming a part­ner­ship with Google and Oceana to track sharks in real-​​time. “We need con­ser­va­tion heroes,” he explains, “and I know my work can be used to change the world.”

Written by  Jason Kornwitz.