Business student embraces the entrepreneurial spirit

Kate Murdock’s short-​​term pro­fes­sional goal is to work for a startup con­sulting firm, a posi­tion for which her qual­i­fi­ca­tions run deep.

Mur­dock, DMSB’18, is an invest­ment ana­lyst for IDEA: North­easterns student-​​run ven­ture accel­er­ator, and the senior director of the Entre­pre­neur­ship Immer­sion pro­gram, the brain­child of the North­eastern Entre­pre­neurs Club. She is a mar­keting intern for the New Eng­land Ven­ture Cap­ital Asso­ci­a­tion, whose mis­sion is to pro­mote regional entre­pre­neur­ship, and the former brand man­ager for Bare Tree Media, the vir­tual branding startup.

And that’s not all: Last month, Mur­dock was selected to work for the invest­ment team of Dorm Room Fund Boston, a student-​​run ven­ture firm that invests in student-​​run star­tups. Her job respon­si­bil­i­ties include vet­ting new ven­tures, plan­ning events, and blogging.

Working closely with star­tups will give me an in-​​depth look at the tri­umphs and tribu­la­tions of startup life,” says Mur­dock, when asked to explain how her new posi­tion dove­tails with her career ambi­tions. “It will expose me to all kinds of working road-​​blocks and allow me to figure out how I would go about helping com­pa­nies accom­plish their goals.”

Dorm Room Fund is backed by First Round Cap­ital, the seed-​​stage ven­ture firm that launched the pro­gram in Philadel­phia in 2012. Since then, the pro­gram has expanded to Boston, New York City, and the San Fran­cisco Bay area, where teams of stu­dents have worked to help their peers take their ideas from the dorm room to the market.

Mur­dock, a second-​​year inter­na­tional busi­ness major, is one of 12 stu­dents on the Boston-​​based invest­ment team, which includes young decision-​​makers from Har­vard Uni­ver­sity, Tufts Uni­ver­sity, Boston Uni­ver­sity, and the Mass­a­chu­setts Insti­tute of Tech­nology. Over the past year, the team has doled out $20,000 to sev­eral college-​​based star­tups, including Grove Labs, the aqua­cul­ture com­pany, and LovePop, the 3D greeting card company.

The city’s entre­pre­neurial ecosystem is impor­tant to me,” Mur­dock says, “and I value the Dorm Room Fund’s mis­sion of fos­tering the entre­pre­neurial spirit on col­lege campuses.”

Mur­dock, for her part, has quickly become one of the key mem­bers of Northeastern’s thriving entre­pre­neurial ecosystem, which includes stu­dent clubs, mentor groups, uni­ver­sity cen­ters, and external investor networks.

Her ongoing work with IDEA and the Entre­pre­neurs Club, she says, has taught her a valu­able life-​​lesson, one that could be applied to any endeavor. “One of the most impor­tant things that I’ve learned from my expe­ri­en­tial learning oppor­tu­ni­ties is that hard work and the will­ing­ness to put every­thing into what you’re doing will get you any­where you want to go,” she explains. “Working in entre­pre­neur­ship taught me to be driven, to be ded­i­cated, and to persevere.”