Join Us for RISE 2023

RISE, the Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Entrepreneurship Expo
Thursday, April 13, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM ET, Matthews Arena
Calling all Huskies! This year over 600 undergraduate and graduate students will share posters on a wide-array of topics, ranging from detecting life on Mars to the politics of the 40-hour work week and axolotl limb regeneration. Stop by Matthews Arena to learn all about these exciting projects. **Please note that no bags are allowed within Matthews Arena.

Check out the database of participants and find your favorite poster.

RISE Poster Locator

Before you attend, here’s some advice to consider.

RISE Floor MapTake a look and see who’ll be there. We have an online database of presenters (opens in new window). We’ve mapped Matthews Arena to maximize interdisciplinary conversation and create serendipitous conversation. If you have a particular poster you want to see or topic to explore, use the database to find them on the arena floor! Cross-reference with the map to find projects you’re interested in.

Let curiosity, not fear, be your guide. It’s okay to be a bit nervous — we often hear from folks that they don’t know what to say or might feel a bit out of their depth. Don’t worry! All of our presenters are excited to share their research or creative projects with you — and have been practicing telling their tales for a sophisticated, but general audience, like you.

Some questions to start a conversation. Eager to learn more but not sure how to start a conversation? Here are some great questions sure to engage our student presenters about their projects:

  • What did you learn during your project that came as a surprise or challenged your preconceived ideas?
  • How has this project supplemented or changed your views on what you’ve learned in courses, co-op, and co-curriculars?
  • What prompted you to get started? What’s exciting or fascinating about the work you’re doing in this project, in particular?
  • What’s have you learned?
  • What’s next for the project — and what’s next for you, having done it?
  • If you could tell someone only one thing about the project, what would it be?

Share your thoughts! In addition to the great conversations you’re sure to have at RISE, we’ll have comment cards and pens available for you to share your thoughts in writing. Drop them in the numbered posters adjacent to each poster.

Virtual gallery. We’re excited to be able to share all of the RISE posters you’ll see in Matthews Area, plus more from our Global Campus Network, in our virtual gallery. You can see all of the posters there and leave comments before and after the event. To gain access to the virtual gallery, register for RISE. Create an account — or use an existing Google or LinkedIn identification to proceed to the very brief form. Once registered, head to the RISE 2023 Program. You’ll create a commenting profile and then have access to the full poster gallery.

Sign up for the URF Newsletter. The Undergraduate Research and Fellowship office runs information sessions and workshops throughout the year — and we have a weekly newsletter where we share the latest on opportunities to extend your learning. Whether you’re interested in getting started in research or finalizing your graduate school plans, we have good news to share with you. Sign up here!

RISE is a collaboration between Bouvé College of Health Sciences; College of Arts, Media and Design; College of Engineering; College of Science; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; D’Amore-McKim School of Business; and Khoury College of Computer Science. It is coordinated by Undergraduate Research and Fellowships on behalf of the Office of the Chancellor.