Aneri Pattani Earns James Reston Journalism Fellowship

Northeastern journalism major Aneri Pattani has worked in newsrooms across the country, amassing an impressive reporting portfolio. She has covered breaking news for The Boston Globe, written health and technology enterprise pieces at CNBC, and unearthed compelling stories at The Texas Tribune, including coverage on the aftermath of a Supreme Court decision to overturn restrictions on the state’s abortion clinics.

International reporting, meanwhile, has been an intriguing opportunity that had yet to take shape—until now. The senior was recently named the winner of this year’s “Win a Trip with Nick” Contest, an opportunity that will take her on a reporting assignment to West Africa in June with Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof. They will focus on global poverty issues, about which Pattani will blog and potentially create videos for the Times.

Originally Published at News@Northeastern by Greg St. Martin Read More