AJC Merit Research Scholar Approved Co-ops for September 2023
Academically talented and ambitious students can apply for the AJC Merit Research Scholars Award to conduct research in the lab or group of a tenured or tenure-track STEM faculty member at a rate comparable to what they’d encounter in industry by applying into an Approved AJC Merit Research Scholar Co-op position.
For those looking for a September 2023 co-op, we have collaborated with faculty members in all of our STEM colleges to coordinate three (3) new research co-op opportunities, with more being added in the near future! You can learn more about these opportunities by following the links to NUWorks (login).
Biomolecular Simulations AJC Merit Research Scholars Co-op
MENTOR: Srirupa Chakraborty, Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Physics, COS
Posting: https://northeastern-csm.symplicity.com/students/wp-content/jobs/detail/ec079e1ee3ea82791e279c489a1ea57f
Soft Robotics AJC Merit Research Scholar Co-op
MENTOR: Kris Dorsey, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, COE
Posting: https://northeastern-csm.symplicity.com/students/wp-content/jobs/detail/45fe21c79936777941504919880042e9
Perceptual Awareness AJC Merit Research Scholar Co-op
MENTOR: Jorge Morales, Assistant Professor, Psychology, COS
Posting: https://northeastern-csm.symplicity.com/students/wp-content/jobs/detail/2d97821473e847313defb38c898d2947
Battery Sustainability AJC Merit Research Scholar Co-op
MENTOR: Juner Zhu, Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, COE
Posting: https://northeastern-csm.symplicity.com/students/wp-content/jobs/detail/e94d6014aa04b2c9a0ca2cbdfbc8ac09
Find your right fit co-op and then use our application to apply!