Call for AJC Merit Research Scholar Mentors for July 2024 Co-ops

Undergraduate Research and Fellowships is actively seeking faculty mentors for our AJC Merit Research Scholar Program to host a six-month long research co-op from July 2024 until the end of December 2024. The AJC Merit Research Scholarship provides talented undergraduates with the opportunity to participate in a full-time, research co-op in the lab of a tenured or tenure-track Northeastern University faculty member working in the STEM fields – at a wage comparable to what they might earn in industry.  In addition to dedicated faculty mentorship and significant financial support for their position, AJC Merit Research Scholars will also join a cohort of like-minded peers and receive additional mentorship and guidance from the Undergraduate Research and Fellowships office. The intention of the award is:

  • To support undergraduate students of merit who wish to undertake a co-op working in the lab of a Northeastern professor
  • To encourage more faculty-undergraduate student mentorship
  • To increase the profile, visibility, and diversity along a number of lines of Northeastern undergraduates who apply for graduate study in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (“STEM”) fields.

We are currently seeking faculty members from STEM laboratories to host talented students. Our process is straight-forward.

  1. Faculty put forward an application to host a Scholar – this includes information about your mentorship strategy, as well as a description of the role you hope the Scholar might fill (see below for more details).
  2. Approved positions are posted on NUWorks and students apply to become part of the AJC Merit Research Scholarship cohort.
  3. Undergraduate Research and Fellowships reviews the preliminary applications.
  4. After this initial review, select candidates are then invited to complete an asynchronous video interview.
  5. Semi-finalist applications, no more than five, are forwarded to AJC Merit Research Scholar Faculty Mentor and reviewed by them using a standard rubric.
  6. Preliminary offers are extended to finalists and applicants/faculty mentors are connected to one another to determine right fit.
  7. If a student accepts the position, URF will hire the student and assume responsibility for administration of the award funding, paid as wages.

We are moving quickly in order to set up these four-month opportunities. With this in mind, we ask that, if you are interested, you share with us an AJC Merit Research Scholar Mentor Application by EOD on Monday, March 4.

The application is short and should take about ten minutes to complete. The formatting of the application precludes your seeing all of the questions at once. Please see them below. They are:


  • BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Name, Email, College, Department
  • MENTORING PHILOSOPHY AND STRUCTURES: Describe mentoring philosophy and structures that exist in your lab to support the work of undergraduates, generally, and how you anticipate guiding and steering the  AJC Merit Research Scholar. We are, in particular, looking for close faculty mentorship of the AJC Merit Research Scholar with an eye towards preparing them to apply to and succeed in graduate study in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (“STEM”) fields.
  • RELEVANT MENTORING EXPERIENCE: Please detail any relevant experience mentoring students from diverse backgrounds or marginalized identities. How did you help them identify and overcome barriers to success?


  • WORK OF LAB/GROUP:  Describe the work of the lab or group in a sentence or two.
  • WHAT WILL THE SCHOLAR DO: Describe the work that you would have the applicants do over the course of a four-month co-op. Expecting that candidates may have varying degrees of prior research experience, outline a couple of potential pathways that the work might take. What projects would they be working on and what do you foresee the role and responsibilities of the AJC Merit Research Scholar will be? Please also share what skills and capacities you expect that the AJC Merit Research Scholar will develop over their time working with you.
  • LOOKING FOR: Outline for us what qualifications and qualities will make the AJC Merit Research Scholar most successful in your group.
  • LAB/FACULTY WEBSITE: Your Northeastern profile page or faculty site or institute or center site.
  • TARGETED MAJORS: Indicate majors you want to apply.
  • DESIRED EXPERIENCE LEVEL (you may select more than one): 1st, 2nd, 3rd co-op.
  • DESIRED SKILLS: A drop-down of possible skills.


The application can be found here, login using your MyNortheastern ID and go from there.

AJC Merit Research Scholar Mentor Application

Write to with any questions.