AJC Merit Research Scholars and Mentors Kick-Off Spring 2025 Co-ops

We’re delighted to share the names of those students who earned our AJC Merit Research Scholarship, which funds a January-June 2025 co-op in the laboratory of a Northeastern University STEM faculty member. This fourth cohort of AJC Merit Research Scholars will be taking on a wide range of exciting projects (read below)  while earning wages equivalent to what they would earn in industry. The Scholars will also participate in a rich slate of enrichment opportunities with the Undergraduate Research and Fellowships team and faculty mentors, designed to help them develop as researchers and thinkers, while also giving them insight into what advanced graduate study looks like and how they might best approach those future opportunities.

Chloe BeckerHyeon Yu KimAJC Merit Research Scholar: Chloe Becker COE’27, Bioengineering
Mentor: Professor Hyeon Yu Kim, COE, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Chloe Becker will be working in the lab of Dr. Hyeonyu Kim this spring, analyzing lab-grown cardiac tissue. The Kim lab focuses on understanding organ formation during development and advancing healthcare treatments through the use of 3D personalized human tissue models. A bioengineering major, Chloe’s interest in this work emerged from taking many biology-related classes as well as getting to work in a lab for one of her classes the previous semester. During the co-op Chloe hopes to learn more about creating and analyzing artificial tissue and develop new lab skills. Chloe plans to eventually pursue a master’s degree. Outside of class, Chloe is treasurer of Northeastern’s STEMout club and enjoys snowboarding, weightlifting, and exploring Boston with friends.


Evan CliffordMarco ColangeloAJC Merit Research Scholar: Evan Clifford COE’26, Electrical Engineering
Mentor: Professor Marco Colangelo, COE, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Evan Clifford will join Professor Marco Colangelo’s Nanostructures Lab this spring, working to optimize the design of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. These devices leverage the unique properties of superconductivity to detect individual photons with excellent efficiency and precision. Optimizing their performance and fabrication will enable new implementations in fields such as quantum communication and computing, astronomy, and experimental physics. An Electrical Engineering major, Evan’s interest in this technology stems from a love of physics and a fascination with the nanoscale building-blocks of modern computers. This co-op is Evan’s second, having completed his first at Insulet Corporation. Evan is excited to explore the possibility of concentrating in nanotechnology or electromagnetics during this co-op and hopes to pursue a PhD in Electrical Engineering after graduation. Outside of class, Evan is a member of Northeastern Club Running and loves playing drums and engaging with Boston’s music community.


Ryn Corrigan-HoaglinLauren RaineAJC Merit Research Scholar: Kathryn (Ryn) Corrigan-Hoaglin COS’26, Psychology
Mentor: Professor Lauren Raine, Bouve, Physical Therapy, Human Movement, and Rehabilitation Sciences

Ryn Corrigan-Hoaglin will be working in Professor Lauren Raine’s lab this spring on the Body Composition, EEG, and Non-nutritive Suck in Early Life (BEaNS) study. Here Ryn will explore the link between infant non-nutritive suck (NNS), body composition, and brain function with the aim to better understand how early life body composition affects neural activation patterns. Prior to this co-op, Ryn worked in early childhood education, which spawned her interest in childhood development. Ryn hopes to learn more about infant cognition in this co-op and plans to continue her education on this topic in graduate school. When not studying, Ryn enjoys drawing as well as planning events as a Northeastern Resident Assistant. 


Isabella CuthbertsonErel LevineAJC Merit Research Scholar: Isabella Cuthbertson COS’27, Biochemistry
Mentor: Professor Erel Levine, COE, Bioengineering

Isabella Cuthbertson is excited to join the Levine Lab this spring, where she will be studying the development of synthetic biology tools to regulate lifespan-related genetic factors in C. elegans and gather data on the genetic influences on aging. As this is her first co-op experience, Isabella’s passion for this project is rooted in her high school genetics studies and recent college coursework. Aspiring to pursue a PhD after graduation, she aims to learn genetic manipulation techniques and develop robust research skills during her time in the lab—skills she hopes to carry forward into graduate school. Beyond her identity as a biochemistry student, Isabella is on the executive board of Eon Dance Troupe, an Asian dance organization on campus, and enjoys spending her free time running, reading, and learning to crochet.


Sedi GharakhanianConstantin (Nick) TakacsAJC Merit Research Scholar: Sedi Gharakhanian COS’27, Biology
Mentor: Professor Constantin (Nick) Takacs, COS, Biology

Sedi is thrilled to be conducting research this spring under the mentorship of Professor Nick Takacs where she will study spirochetes, a group of bacteria that includes species of pathological significance. Her current focus is on Leptospira biflexa, a non-pathogenic model for studying Leptospira species, which can cause Leptospirosis—the most common zoonotic disease worldwide. Outside the lab, Sedi enjoys exploring the connections between creativity and science. She enjoys musical experimentation, and she plays the piano, guitar, bass, and drums. She also loves to play soccer and travel, finding inspiration in new experiences. Through her research and extracurricular pursuits, Sedi aims to contribute meaningfully to the community while preparing for a future at the forefront of molecular biology through graduate studies and beyond.


Brooke GoldfederAaron StubbinsAJC Merit Research Scholar: Brooke Goldfeder COS27, Biochemistry
Mentor: Professor Aron Stubbins, COS, Marine and Environmental Science

Brooke Goldfeder will be working in the lab of Professor Aron Stubbins, focusing on developing methods to digest organic carbon-containing particulate matter and microplastics, as well as optimizing sample isolation and containment techniques in various mediums. A biochemistry major with a current minor in environmental engineering, Brooke combines her passion for chemistry and environmental science to tackle pressing ecological challenges. Her interest in conservation deepened during her volunteer work with the Nature Conservancy, where she contributed to park stewardship and wildlife protection, reinforcing her dedication to sustainability and environmental welfare. After graduation, she plans to pursue an MD/PhD to further investigate the intersection of biochemistry and environmental health. Outside the lab, Brooke enjoys playing on Northeastern’s Women’s Club Hockey team, hiking with friends, and traveling the world.


Tammer HaddadZhi TanAJC Merit Research Scholar: Tammer Haddad Khoury’27, Computer Science and Economics
Mentor: Professor Zhi Tan, Khoury, Computer Science

Tammer Haddad is a dedicated Computer Science and Economics major at Northeastern University with a minor in Robotics. Tammer will be working in the lab of Professor Zhi Tan for his first co-op where he will investigate human-robot interactions via real-world experiments. Formerly a Co-Director of Engage, a branch of the university’s Entrepreneurs Club, Tammer has organized interdisciplinary workshops and startup hackathons to equip students with essential entrepreneurial tools. With a passion for technology, problem-solving, and innovation, he combines technical expertise with strategic thinking to drive impactful projects and collaborations.


Ashlin OwenAJC Merit Research Scholar: Ashlin Owen COS’26, Biochemistry
Mentor: Professor James Monaghan, COS, Biology

Ashlin Owen will be working in the Monaghan lab for her second co-op where she will be researching axolotl regeneration and mechanobiology of joint morphogenesis in collaboration with the Shefelbine Lab. Prior to this position, she completed her first co-op at Moderna within the Infectious Disease department and she has also worked in a Boston Children’s/HMS lab investigating the impact of an upstream gene regulating skeletal development. Following completion of her undergraduate degree, she plans to attend an MD/PhD program in order to deepen her understanding of medicine and engage with growing fields of research. Ashlin is involved with clubs on campus including TriBeta, the Pre-MD/PhD Association, and EMPOWER, and enjoys spending her free time reading, working out, and trying new recipes at home.


Alexander PoulinLouise SkinnariAJC Merit Research Scholar: Alexander Poulin Khoury’27, Computer Science & Physics
Mentor: Professor Louise Skinnari, COS, Physics

Alexander Poulin will be working in the lab of Professor Louise Skinnari focusing on research projects with CERN in Geneva. One project will be simulating the proposed Future Circular Collider (FCC) with the other  project utilizing machine learning to improve the tracking of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) in preparation for the High Luminosity upgrade. These efforts have implications on the future high-energy particle physics as well as potential applications in cosmology and the search for dark matter. Alexander is a computer science and physics major with a minor in astrophysics. Alexander’s journey in research first began in DeLTA laboratory under Professor Alberto and he has also conducted research in Professor McCleary’s group. Eventually, he hopes to pursue a PhD in an Astronomy/Astrophysics concentration. Apart from academic pursuit, Alexander is a member of AeroNU’s propulsion software team, a member of the SED’s NEST team, and loves to play hockey and piano.


Anna RoseAaron SeitzAJC Merit Research Scholar: Anna Rose Khoury’26, Computer Science & Behavioral Neuroscience
Mentor: Professor Aaron Seitz, COS, Psychology

Anna will be joining the lab of Professor Aaron Seitz this spring for her second co-op experience. She will be working on a project investigating how central vision loss affects brain plasticity. The research aims to improve vision in those with central vision loss and to reveal the change in brain processes in the participant after undertaking these training procedures. As a combined computer science and behavioral neuroscience major, Anna has an interdisciplinary background from her classes and involvement at Northeastern. After working in her first co-op as a software engineer, she looks to apply the technology skills she gained to her interest in neuroscience. Last semester, she volunteered in The Brain ImPACT Lab which introduced her to the neuroscience research environment and moved her to look for her next co-op in the research field. Outside of the lab, Anna enjoys running, hiking, and puzzles. She is also an active member of the Husky Ambassadors club on campus.


Brooklun SchmidtHuaizu JiangAJC Merit Research Scholar: Brooklyn Schmidt Khoury’27, Computer Science and Game Development
Mentor: Professor Huaizu Jiang, Khoury, Computer Science

Brooklyn will be joining Professor Huaizu Jiang’s lab to work on artificial intelligence models to generate 3D objects. The research in this lab combines areas of computer science, art, and psychology to create realistic 3D scenes. As a computer science and game development combined major, Brooklyn’s interest in 3D generative AI came from the difficulties he saw game developers and designers face when creating interactive scenes and virtual reality applications. He was first introduced to this kind of work by taking MIT’s free Deep Learning course and Computer Graphics under Professor Mike Shah. Brooklyn hopes to go to graduate school and continue research that will help both programmers and artists alike. His main goal is to make game development more accessible with the use of artificial intelligence. Outside of class, Brooklyn dedicates a large amount of time to competitive Rubik’s cube speed-solving and cooking.