- Fulbright Scholarship 2019 A year abroad for U.S. citizens engaged in cultural exchange, study, research, or teaching English in one of over 160 Fulbright-eligible countries.
In combining her study-abroad experiences with humanitarian work and her Boston internships with international organizational work, Cathy has prepared herself for the challenges of working as a Fulbright English teaching assistant in South Korea. She has been teaching herself Korean for the past five years and is well-versed in the country’s social and cultural phenomena. At EF Education First and at WorldBoston, she facilitated language training and cultural exchange programs; at Beyond Conflict, she assisted in a consulting practice focused on democratic transitions and national reconciliation efforts. She completed her final co-op at the U.S. Commercial Service in London, promoting economic cooperation between the U.S. and Britain. Her goal is to one day become a Foreign Service Officer.