- Fulbright Scholarship 2019 A year abroad for U.S. citizens engaged in cultural exchange, study, research, or teaching English in one of over 160 Fulbright-eligible countries.
In challenging circumstances, Ngenyi thrives because of her ability to improvise and craft successful solutions to complex cultural situations. She has a remarkably reflective take on the concept of American identity, as well as an ambition to share that identity with the world—through this Fulbright fellowship, in Belgium—and eventually as a Foreign Service Officer. She has studied abroad in Israel and taught English in Cambodia, emerging as a leader among her peers and finding common ground through the arts, among other means. An accomplished dancer, Ngenyi is eager to immerse herself in the Belgian dance scene, where influences as diverse as African beats and techno are fused into new, cosmopolitan musical forms. She plans to earn a master’s in international affairs.